Paraphrasing and Rephrasing

অষ্টম শ্রেণি (মাধ্যমিক ২০২৪) - ইংরেজি - English - | NCTB BOOK

4.1.1 See the graph and read the text given below. Then, in pairs/groups, discuss the main ideas of these texts. Later, share your thoughts with the class.
(গ্রাফটি দেখো এবং নিচের text টি পড়ো। দলে/জোড়ায় এই text গুলোর মূল ধারণা আলোচনা করো। পরে তোমার ভাবনাগুলো শ্রেণিতে share করো।)
Text 1
This graph presents the percentage of female students who completed lower secondary school in Bangladesh

Percentage of female students completed 

lower secondary school from 2011-2019


In Bangladesh, a substantial number of female students are going to school Some years earlier, a limited number of girls would get the opportunity to go to schools and colleges. But in recent times, in some areas in Bangladesh, female students have done better than male students. So, we can see females are progressing in education in Bangladesh Economically Bangladesh is a growing country. Women have a significant share of the credit. As female education is increasing, women are participating everywhere. They are doing government and non-government jobs and also businesses. It is indeed a satisfying news for our country. They are contributing to every sector. We need to realize that we cannot have a better society without equal participation of both men and women.

Read the meaning of the following words to understand the text better.



substantiallarge in size, value, or importance
growingincreasing in size or amount
significantimportant or noticeable
increasebecome or make greater in size, amount, or degree
satisfyto please someone
contributeto give (money, time, knowledge, assistance, etc.) to help achieve a particular goal
participationtaking part in an event or activity


4.1.2 Let's check whether we have understood the text or not!
(Text টি বুঝলাম কিনা পরীক্ষা করে দেখি।)

Read text-2 again and fill in each gap in the following passage with a suitable word hased on the information from text-2 in pairs/groups. Later, exchange your copies with the group next to you and check the answers in groups.
(Text-২ টি আবার পড়ো এবং দলে/জোড়ায় text-২ এর তথ্যের উপর ভিত্তি করে নিচের অনুচ্ছেদের শূন্যস্থান পূরণ করো। পরবর্তীতে তোমার পরের দলের সাথে তোমার খাতা বিনিময় করো এবং তোমাদের উত্তরগুলো আবার check করে দেখো।)

Present Bangladesh can be a)___of the progress the women have made in recent years. It will be clear if we consider the b)____sector. According to different sources, in some areas, female students are c)___ of male students. Also, women are contributing greatly to the economic d) ___ of Bangladesh. They are working in almost every sector and have been well appreciated for their work. Now, it's time to recognize their contribution and inspire women to e)___ in building a better Bangladesh.


4.2.1 Now, ask and answer the following questions in pairs/groups. Then, share your answers with the class.
(এখন নিচের প্রশ্নগুলো দলে/জোড়ায় জিজ্ঞেস করো এবং তার উত্তর দাও। তারপর তোমার উত্তরগুলো শ্রেণিতে share করো।)

a "The graph and the text are on the same topic. Do you agree or disagree?
b. How are the presentations of the texts different from each other? Explain with examples.
Can you think of any other way to present on the same topic? If yes, what is that? How is that different from these two?
d. Have you ever experienced the same topic presented in different ways? If yes,
what was the topic, and how were they presented? Do you think this skill of presenting a topic in different ways helps you to communicate better? If yes, explain with an example


4.3.1 Now, read the following note on 'The Techniques of Paraphrasing a Text in the hox given below. Then, in pairs/groups, discuss what you have learnt from the note. Later, share your understanding with the whole class.
(এখন The Techniques of Paraphrasing a Text সংক্রান্ত নিচের note টি পড়ো। তারপর দলে।জোড়ায় note থেকে তুমি কি শিখলে তা আলোচনা করো। পরে তুমি যা বুঝেছ তা পুরো শ্রেণিতে share করো।)

The techniques of paraphrasing a text:
Paraphrasing is a process of rewriting a statement/text in your words and your own way. When you paraphrase any text, the first thing you need to do is to understand the meaning of the text. Then, write the whole text in simple language Make sure that. you have not changed any of its original ideas or information. We can paraphrase a text following these three techniques:

a) By using synonyms: You can use words with similar meanings to replace the original words or phrases to paraphrase a text. For example:

Fazlul Haque was a great leader. He is well known as Sher-e Bangla too. His father was a pleader at Barishal Bar. In his childhood, he was a mentorious boy. His father was glad to see the extraordinary memory of his son 

After using synonyms of the words, the text will be:

Fazlul Haque was a great leader. He is known as Sher-e-Bangla too. His father was a lawyer at Barishal Bar. In his childhood, he was a talented boy. His father was delighted to see the exceptional memory of his son

b) Changing sentence structure. To paraphrase a text, you can change the structure of a sentence or reorder the words of a sentence. But, you cannot change the meaning of the sentence. For example, read the following text:
Ms. Najmun Nahar is a teacher. She has to work a lot. Because of her tight werk schedule, she feels exhausted and that is why she needs leisure time for relaxation and recreation.
After changing the structure of the sentences, the text is-
Ms. Najmun Nahar is a teacher and she has a lot of duties. Sometimes she feels exhausted as she has a tight work schedule. This is the reason she needs leisure time for relaxation and recreation
Notice, here the structures of the sentences have changed but the meaning remains the same.

c) By adding or removing words:
Another way of paraphrasing is to add or remove words from a sentence/text. For example, read the following sentences-
Purnima is a girl. She lives in a remote village of Chattogram. She has many dreams. One of her dreams is that one day, she will have her own identity and support her family. Due to poverty, sometimes she feels it challenging to fulfil her dream
Now, let's paraphrase the text by adding or removing words.
Purnima is from a remote village of Chattogram. Among many of her dreams, the long- cherished one is to establish her identity. Also, she plans to earn money and help her family. But due to poverty, she finds it challenging to fulfil her dreams.
Here, expressions like Purnima is a girl and one of her dreams are removed. On the other hand, expressions like among many of her dreams, also, but, and plans are added.
So, to paraphrase a text, you have to use synonyms, change structures and add et remove words. But you cannot change the information and the original message of the text. We may conclude by saying that paraphrasing refers to some techniques to present the same ideas in different ways.


Paraphrasing বলতে কোনো text বা statement কে নিজের ভাষায় ও নিজের মত করে পুনরায় লেখার প্রক্রিয়াকে বোঝায়। যখন তুমি কোনো text এর paraphrasing করবে তখন প্রথমে তোমার যেটা করতে হবে তা হলো সেই text টির অর্থ বোঝা। তারপর পুরো text টি সহজ ভাষায় লেখা। text এর original ধারণা এবং তথ্য কোনো অবস্থাতেই পরিবর্তন করা যাবে না। নিচে উল্লিখিত তিনটি উপায় অবলম্বন করে কোনো text কে paraphrase করতে পারো:

১) Synonym ব্যবহার করে: কোনো text কে paraphrasing করার জন্য তুমি একই ধরনের অর্থ বিশিষ্ট শব্দ দিয়ে original word বা phrase কে প্রতিস্থাপিত করতে পারো। উদাহরণস্বরূপ:

Fazlul Haque was a great leader. He is well known as Sher-e Bangla too. His father was a pleader at Barishal Bar. In his boyhood, he was a very meritorious boy. His father was glad to see the extraordinary memory of his son
Synonym ব্যবহার করার পরে Text টি হবে:

Fazlul Haque was a great leader. He is known as Sher-e-Bangla too. His father was a lawyer at Barishal Bar. In his childhood, he was a very talented boy. His father was delighted to see the exceptional memory of his son.

২) Sentence এর গঠন পরিবর্তন করে:

কোনোাে text এর paraphrase করার জন্য তুমি sentence এর গঠন পরিবর্তন করতে পারো বা sentence এর শব্দগুলোকে পুনরায় সাজিয়ে নিতে পারো। কিন্তু sentence এর অর্থ পরিবর্তন করা যাবে না। উদাহরণস্বরূপ নিচের text টি পড়ো:

Ms. Najmun Nahar is a teacher. She has to work a lot. Because of her tight work schedule, she feels exhausted and that is why she needs leisure time for relaxation and recreation.
বাক্যের গঠন পরিবর্তনের পরে text টি হবে:

Ms. Najmun Nahar is a teacher and she has a lot of duties. She feels exhausted as she has a tight work schedule. This is the reason she needs leisure time for relaxation and recreation.
লক্ষ করো এখানে sentence এর গঠন পরিবর্তন হয়েছে কিছু অর্থ একই রয়ে গেছে।

৩) শব্দ যোগ বা বিয়োগ করে:

Paraphrasing এর আরেকটি উপায় হচ্ছে sentence বা text এ শব্দ যোগ করা বা বাদ দেয়া। উদাহরণস্বরূপ নিচের sentence গুলো পড়ো:
Purnima is a girl She lives in a remote village of Chattogram. She has many dreams. One of her dreams is that one day, she will have her own identity and support her family. Due to poverty, sometimes she feels it challenging to fulfil her dream.
এখন শব্দ যোগ করে বা বাদ দিয়ে text টির Paraphrase করি:

Purnima is from a remote village of Chattogram. Among many of her dreams, the long-cherished one is to establish her identity. Also, she plans to earn money and help her family. But due to poverty, she finds it challenging to fulfil her dreams.

এখানে Purnima is a girl এবং One of her dreams এই কথাগুলো বাদ দেওয়া হয়েছে। অন্যদিকে among many of her dreams, also, but এবং plans এই জাতীয় কথাগুলো যোগ করা হয়েছে।

সুতরাং কোনো text এর paraphrase করতে হলে তোমাকে synonym ব্যবহার করতে হবে, sentence এর গঠন পরিবর্তন করতে হবে এবং sentence এর সাথে শব্দ যোগ করতে হবে অথবা কোনো শব্দ বাদ দিতে হবে। কিন্তু কোনো তথ্য বা original message পরিবর্তন করা যাবে না। অবশেষে বলতে পারি Paraphrase বলতে বোঝায় একই ধারণাকে ভিন্নভাবে উপস্থাপনের কৌশল।            

4.3.2 Let's try it.
Read the following text and paraphrase it. Later present it in front of the class.
(নিচের text টি পড়ো এবং paraphrase করো। পরে এটি শ্রেণিতে উপস্থাপন করো।)

Education is one of the most important factors for the development of a country. An educated nation ensures prosperity and maintains the sanctity of society. Besides, education helps people to be respectful of others' opinions and extend their hands when necessary. The purpose of education is not to make you first or second but to help you to be a better person.

So, let's paraphrase the text following the three techniques: Firstly, use synonymous words. For doing that, decide and underline all the words for which you will use the synonyms For example, you can use the synonym 'significant' for the word 'important' in the first sentence. Now, it's your turn to use the rest of the synonyms and rewrite the changed text -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Next, change the structures of the sentences. These changes will make the text different from the original one though the information will be the same. So, let's change the structure of the first sentence- 'Education is one of the most important factors for the development of a country. We may do the following change to the structure of the sentence- 'It's education which plays a significant role in the development of a country. Now, it's your turn to make the necessary change in the structures of the
sentences Later, write the changed text -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Finally, add or remove some words to complete the paraphrasing. If we consider the first sentence 'It's education which plays a significant role in the development of a country.' we can remove 'it is and which' and the sentence will be Education plays a significant role in the development of a country. Now it's your turn to do the rest and write the paraphrased text-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Before presenting it in front of the class, make sure that you only changed the words and sentence structures and that you did not change any information. Finally, share it with the whole class.
Let's practice another one!

Read the text given below and paraphrase it following the three techniques: Adolescents usually face multiple questions, contradictory demands, and ideas, which force them to deal with various conflicts, especially in light of physical, mental, social,

psychological, emotional, and family changes. So, both the parents and educational institutions would come forward to help them address the challenges. Hence, it can be helpful to teach them specific skills, such as focusing and understanding the problem and developing the patience to listen to necessary advice
First, use the synonymous words as you did earlier and then, write the whole text-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Now, change the structures of the sentences you need and then write the text-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

And finally, add or remove words as necessary and write the final draft of the paraphrase--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Later, check and share the paraphrased text with the whole class


4.3.3 Read the following conversation. In pairs/groups, guess and write the meanings of the words in the following grid.
(নিচের কথোপকথনটি পড়ো। জোড়ায়/দলে নিচের grid এ দেওয়া শব্দগুলোর অর্থ অনুমান করো এবং লেখো।)

Two friends named Shamim and Kaniz are members of the English language club at their school. They regularly read English newspapers and practice English conversation on the news reports they read. Today, they read a news report about why many female students still cannot complete secondary education in Bangladesh. They are now discussing various causes mentioned in the news report. Read their conversation given below to find the reasons:

Shamim: Hello Kaniz!! How are you doing? Have you read today's newspaper?

Kaniz: Hi Shamim, yes, I have just read the newspaper, and one particular news report drew my attention.

Shamim: Really? What is it about?

Kaniz: The report discusses various factors that cause female students to leave schools without completing their education.

Shamim: Oh yes, I read that report too. The report reveals that poverty and child marriage are two significant factors that cause female students to leave school without completing even SSC

Kaniz: Quite right. Poverty and child marriage are two of the biggest and interconnected factors that cause school failure in female students Also, besides poverty, another major cause behind this crisis is eve teasing and sexual harassment. In some remote areas, students walk a long distance to reach the nearest school. And on their way, they often get harassed by miscreants

Shamim: So unfortunate, isn't it? Due to this insecurity, parents often stop sending their daughters, and they need to discontinue their education

Kaniz: Did you notice one thing? The report also says that many female students do not want to go to school regularly because they cannot access proper sanitation facilities in their schools.

Shamim: This is quite true for many schools, especially those in disadvantaged areas. Access to clean drinking water and hygiene are essential for all school students

Kaniz: During puberty, female students need access to clean water, soap and toilet facilities to maintain personal hygiene If they cannot have those in school they prefer to stay at home and lag in their studies. Gradually, many female students ultimately stop going to school as they experience difficulties staying a long time in school and consequently, their studies get interrupted.

Shamim: You know what? Our government has already taken various steps to increase gender parity in schools. As a result, we have seen much progress in the last decade

Kaniz: Yes, it is vital to increase the participation of female students in secondary schools. If we can ensure barrier-free access to schools, female participation in higher education and the job market will increase eventually   



disadvantaged areas 
gender parity 


 4.3.4 Let's paraphrase the conversation in groups
(নিচের কথোপকথনটির দলীয়ভাবে paraphrase করি।)
Follow these 5 steps to complete this activity.


First, read the conversation in Activity 4.3.1 again. Then list all the ideas and information you want to tell in your way by using the paraphrasing technique, Next, share it with the whole class, You can list your ideas in the following grid. One is done for you If you need, add rows.

1. From a news report, Shamim and Kaniz have got to know about various factors that cause female students to leave schools without completing their education



Now, using the grid in step-1, write down all the information and ideas you want to write as a text. Don't copy any sentences from the conversation For example: If you want to write this sentence from the grid 'From a news report, Shamim and Kaniz have got to know various factors that cause female students to leave schools without completing their education."

Here, you can write it in the following way- 'Today from a news report Shamim and Kaniz knew various reasons which challenge female students to complete their education."


When you have finished writing all of your ideas, check you have written all the information as they are discussed in the conversation. Now, paraphrase the text using all the techniques you have already learned from the note in Activity 3 If necessary, have a look at the note again. The first technique is -

a) Use synonyms. You may use the synonyms from the list given below:

discontinued, torment, finally, fall behind, disclose, accordingly, integrated, important, scruple, sanitization

b) Now, you have to make the necessary change to words and structures in your text Firstly, identify the changes that you want to make and then, write the text If you need, take the help of your friends and teacher

c) Here, you will add or remove words. For example: If we use this technique to paraphrase this sentence, "Today Shamim and Kaniz have known about the various reasons which challenge the female students to complete their education from a news report it may look like this Today from a newspaper report, Shamim and Kaniz were informed about the barriers for which the female students can't complete their education 


So, you have completed paraphrasing the text. Still, it is not finished. Now, read the text you have paraphrased and compare your text with the original one. Make sure that you have written all the information and ideas as rightly expressed in the original text. Also check, your words and sentences are correlated with the tone and meaning of the conversation. Put quotation marks around the sentence/s, if you have copied any phrase/sentence from the conversation. Do not change the name, dates and title that are used in the text


So, how do you understand that you have completed paraphrasing the text? It is simple.

  • When you see that the paraphrased text does not look like the conversation as in Activity 4.3.1.
  • Also, you wrote the information of the conversation using your language

4.4.1 Look at the following graph. Now, discuss the information you have got from the graph in pairs/groups. Then, write all the information as a text. Finally, paraphrase the text and present it in front of the class. Do not forget to follow the 5 steps of paraphrasing a text.
(নিচের graph টি দেখো। এখন graph থেকে জোড়ায়/দলে যে তথ্য পেয়েছো তা নিয়ে আলোচনা করো। তারপর তথ্যগুলো text আকারে লেখো। সবশেষে text টির paraphrase করো এবং শ্রেণিতে উপস্থাপন করো। Paraphrasing এর ৫টি ধাপ অনুসরন করতে ভুলো না।)

4.4.2 Let's play a game!
Instruction to play the game:

  •  One student from each group will come to the front of the class and make a queue/ line
    The first student in the queue will read a short passage kept on the table.
  •  S/he will tell the passage in his/her word to the next friend, standing behind him/ her 
  • It will continue to tell ane by one up to the last student in the queue.
  •  The last student in the queue will share what s/he has heard from his/her friend in front of the class.

4.4.3 Let's do a project work in groups of 4-6. Follow the guidelines to complete the work.
(৪-৬ জনের দলে একটি project work করি। কাজটি করার সময় দিক নির্দেশনা অনুসরণ করো।)

Guidelines for you

a) List all the household chores usually the family members do, You can list them in the following way. Add as many rows as you need.

Household Chores

Done by

1. cookingfather and mother
2. washing clothes 
3. serving foods 

b) Then, every member of the group will make 3 grids and collect information using the grids from their friends, teachers or neighbours. Every member of the group will collect information from at least 3 families

c) Now, compile (put together) all the information you have collected from different families

d) Next, arrange the information using a graph, a pie chart or a table. If necessary, take the help of your friends and the teacher. Also, you can have a look at your math book for grade 7 to get all the ideas. Then, present your chart/table/graph in front of the class.

For getting an idea of a graph, chart and table, see the following illustrations:

A pie chart


A Table

Name of the family membersPercentage of the work done by them


A Graph

e) Now, present the arranged information in front of the class
f) It's time to write a text individually reflecting on your experience of doing the activities
g) Then, paraphrase the text using all the paraphrasing techniques.
h) Now, check you have written all the information as it is in the graph, chart or table. Also check, you have used your language.
I) Finally, submit a copy of your text to the teacher.

New Words:

evolution, substantial, indeed, economically, realize, particular, reveal, crisis, harassment, miscreant, puberty, lag, consequently, gender parity, eventua

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